TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Polishing plenum.. Easy as cake..
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Subject Polishing plenum.. Easy as cake..
Posted by KongZTT GT28RS MD on March 16, 2011 at 9:23 PM
  This message has been viewed 6160 times.


I would've done this with some greaseless polishing compounds as Milo's write-up suggested before.. but the stuff I ended up getting from Eastwood was completely hard as a stone.. It isn't any good.. I need to call them to get a replacement.

However; I wanted to get started so I decided to just wet sand etc..

I started by sanding with 80grit and usings some carbide burrs etc to get the casting lines down flat.. Then hand sanded with 80 grit sand paper forever..

I also cut off the tabs that hold the AIV tube etc off since it looks so much more clean. As well as cutting off all the tabs for the FPR and Fuel dampner etc.. My fuel setup doesn't use those anymore so away they go.. Looks so much more clean without them.. then I smoothed them out with a little (a lot) more time :)

-then 120 grit
-then 180 grit
-then 220 grit
-then 320 grit
-then 400 wet sand /simple green
-then 600 wet sand/simple green
-then 800 wet sand/simple green
-then 1000grit wet sand/simple green
-then 2000 grit wet sand/ simple green.

Then final polish, Mothers Mag/aluminum polish on 1/4 arbor and 25,000 rpm air tool

This picture its at 1000grit wetsand/simple green

Here is the stock one compared to it..

"Finished" product..

I polished the other coolant pipe and TB linkage as well. In addition to my 60mm Throttle bodies .. but I didn't get them in the picture.

Please excuse the polishing compound on the corner :)

I probably could've gotten this thing to be a little brighter if I used some White rouge instead of all the wetsanding .. then a tripoli compound instead of the Mother's aluminum/mag polish..

I am going to give the Mother's BILLET polish and see how that works out.

I have over 30hrs invested into this thing.. I am AMAZED how people do this stuff for a living.. its A LOT of work!

Thanks for looking!


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NO, This picture is not photoshopped.

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"-Any closeups on the nuts? - zboost(tx) 19:17:53 08/08/05
-Not really something you want to ask another man about... (n/m) - LordZ 19:24:00 08/08/05"

"I just took 45 min and scrubbed the heck out of my rear"
teambushido(San Diego, CA) 19:24:51 12/11/04

-1991 Stage _ TT 5spd (Upgraded to hell and back)
-1990 Super White 2+2 Na Stage 3 Auto (Deceased :( )
-1990 Cherry Red Pearl ,Auto Coupe (Parts car)
-1990 11 Sec Eagle Talon Tsi AWD, (SOLD!)
-2001 Ford F-150 Crew cab, 5.4 Triton v8.. Tow bitch
-1997 Acura 2.2 CL, 5spd. Daily Driver.. great little car!
-2004 Honda CBR 600RR (Candy blue, FOR SALE)

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